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Garlis city - republic history

Garlis was founded in 2011 Christmas. The first official president became Rock Benikas, later John Flender, Woodrow Wilson, through democratic elections in August 2013 the head of the country again became J. Flender. In the first years a river flowed through the land, the city has become a resort, the first in the history of JOJO LEGOLAND long bus was driving here. This city has created and developed Lionsburg autonomy. Perhaps the most famous grocery store ,, Frog " was founded in the summer of 2012. Later was built Garlis Cathedral. In the winter of 2013 a constant army was started, which in July of the same year was transferred to the UN, then the name of the resort of Garlis was restored -  the beach was equipped, a reservational park and train line was set up. In August 2013 the terminal was built, East Union was founded in along with Persia, in September was launched a program G'14: updated Parliament: provided as a public library, a conference hall, the renovation of residential houses, started to build the first private farm in Garlis. In 2014 took place a series of changes that led to a substantial restructuring of the city: Liberty Avenue, was narrowed and moved, there was created a network of streets, the project of Royal Palace was completed. in August 2014 the final equippment was finished in all the residential houses and businesses. Also in this year was created Garlis football stadium, the ,,Javine" cafe, finally was completed the national swimming pool, the German language has been stated as national, Garlin state television was created, the Grand JOJO LEGO center was moved to the Royal Palace.

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